Welcome to the Knife Drawer!
This site is run collectively by a group of frends who, between them, have very little coding experience but a passion for learning new things. It is a collection of their likes and dislikes, observations about their world, musings about each other, and a diary of the shifting dynamics between them.
The Knives
- Ari - most frequent poster; site founder. he/him, early 20s.
- Aster - frequent writer. he/him.
Drawer Layout
- Home - the landing page; you are here
- Blog - log of site updates and ideas for future updates
- Jukebox - Posts about music and our recommendations for media to consume
- Journal - A collective space for our personal thoughts and observations
Why 'The Knives'?
The lore behind why we bonded together as The Knives is far too complex to summarize in such a public space, but suffice to say we are a group of people bonded for life. Each member joined The Knives with their own motives, interests, and desires, but we've morphed over the years into a functional unit. The Knives, as a title, has a double meaning: most prominantly a reference to the shared special interest in weaponry, but also a comment on the desire to remain intellectually sharp or sardonic.